19th Jul 2020

Matching Family Pyjamas make a Christmas full of memories

The countdown to the festive season has begun, very soon loved ones will draw near to one another to celebrate and what better way to mark the occasion than to dress up in matching family pyjamas? It's been clear that in recent years, the trend for twinning with your nearest and dearest has grown greatly in popularity and with all kinds of retailers, from well known high street brands, small businesses and even supermarkets offering matching designs filled with Christmas cheer, its true to say that you're spoiled for choice when finding the perfect set of matching family pyjamas for your tribe.

Since the creation of our very first set, the Penguin Family Pyjamas, we have also experienced huge enthusiasm from our customers for our matching designs. Recently, one of our sets was shortlisted on the Independent website and following that success, our collection has increased with multiple designs each year since

But why exactly do families love dressing up in matching family pyjamas so much? Here are some of the reasons why we think it is so special.

Because small things mean a lot

"It's just pyjamas" - If there's a secret Scrooge hiding amongst your clan, then get those PJs for them as soon as possible and they'll soon realise how sometimes the smallest of acts create the biggest shows of love and affection. It may be just a 'bit of fun' but when you look back in years to come, the memory of that tiny gesture will take up the largest space in your heart.

Because you allow yourselves to slow down and relax together

You won't get more comfortable than a day spent relaxing in pyjamas and with most people spending the first few weeks of December rushing about between work, shopping and parties, a moment to settle down and just enjoy the moment in comfort is a welcome rest indeed.

Because it is a great way to welcome new members of the family

A new baby is a gift at any time of the year and allows for an extra celebration when your family comes together for their first Christmas. If their first pair of Christmas pyjamas happens to be on that matches the rest of the family then that is a wonderful thing! Or, perhaps someone in the family has gotten married that year? What a beautiful way to bring them into the fold than with their own pair of PJs that tells the world 'these people are my family'.

Because it brings a feeling of togetherness

It's not unusual for thoughts to turn towards our favourite memories in December, as we look back over the previous year and appreciate the moments and milestones celebrated. Ending a year in the company of your most loved ones brings a perfect ending to a year of special times spent with one another and taking the chance for a final celebration filled with love, some silly fun and games - as well as matching family pyjamas - makes for the best memories and some rather fabulous photos too!

A Sparks Customer Story

Last year in 2018, our customer Virginia contacted us to place a custom order for some very special matching pyjamas. She had seen the Family Winter Wreath Pyjama Set on our website and wondered if she could add some extra personalisation. She needed 8 pairs of pyjamas and on each one, instead of simply having each person's name, she asked to have 'Mummy Believes' or 'Bella Believes', depending on whom it was for. The end result was so beautiful we made sure to take some photos of them in the studio, before sending them out to her.

Then, in October of 2019 Virginia contacted us once again to ask if she could order a baby sleepsuit in the same design as they had been fortunate to welcome a brand new baby to the family since last Christmas. Naturally, we were delighted to be able to help her with that and she even kindly sent us a beautiful photo of the whole family together in their matching pyjamas from last year. It is truly one of the best privileges in this line of work, to be able to share a glimpse into the magical times that our customers share with their families and the sheer joy in moments like these will never be lost on us.

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